
About Our World-Spirited Martial Arts Organization

    World-Spirited Martial Artists Organization was created since year 2010, by the purpose to gather our friendship team together to be the one big group and get ready to work for the worldwide film and TVC. We set the idea to work in the big projects together. Export and import international work. Our team include the team from Thailand, Germany and USA. (Spirited Martial Arts Team, Movie-Do Team and American National Karate Team)
    Our members in each team have a different unique style of character. And each person have the experience of real martial arts more than 10 years. We would be proud to work for worldwide film companies and quality by our real ability of unique fighting styles and acting. We focus to work with the great projects in the future.

Rules for working
1. We not accept any road show or live show, accept only for the movie premiere.
2. We not get an extra job or low price for the worth of our work.
3. We not let other film companies or TVC companies use our name or our members for their own purpose. That company have to get our permission first.

Copyright © 2010 World Spirited Martial Arts Organization